Two Angry Cowboys

"Randy is happy to see Jimmy again."

Jimmy had a pistol and a shotgun slipped in two holsters on his trouser belt. There was also a leather belt containing ammo swathed around his torso from his shoulder to his side, already half-empty. A cowhide jacket clad his...


"Cindy lost her horse out in the middle of nowhere, until she meets Merono."

 Walking just under Lubbock, Cindy walked the sandy path in the middle of nowhere. The harsh sunlight practically poured down on her, causing sweat to pile up under her clothes during this trek. She wore a wide-brimmed hat, and albeit...

Ghost Town

"Rose makes a stop on her long drive and is stretched in unexpected ways."

Rose had been on the road for six hours. Her coffee was gone and the snacks she brought were picked at to the point they were no longer desirable. Signs on the side of the freeway announced a Ghost Town...

All Hallows Eve 1870

"I just fucked a vampire"

It was a dark rainy night; the full moon peeking out occasionally from the dark ominous clouds. The horse plodded along, its rider hunched over the pommel tired, hungry, and wet. Although Rob wore a rain slicker it did nothing...