Empathic Echoes, Chapter 2: Surround Sound

"Jasper pushes Sienna's boundaries and together they explore their empathic connection in new ways."

Sienna and Jasper had spent the last two weeks together, holed up in his warehouse basement. Luckily, Sienna had been right about there being a bathroom down there. In fact, there was basically an industrial sprinkler that Jasper had turned...

Praise Him

"Dr. Victoria Lazlo comes under the sway of something not of this world."

Dr. Victoria Lazlo was alone in the elevator as it approached the ground floor. She wore a tailored, gray dress suit with sensible heels and no ornamentation beyond a pair of slim, designer glasses. Her auburn blonde hair was bound...

Straying From the Path

"Bob seeks my help corrupting his innocent wife."

One recent Saturday morning my wife and I were finishing a late breakfast when we heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door to find an attractive young couple, dressed as for church, on our doorstep. The husband explained they...

Miria’s Temptation

"A young mage succumbs to a forbidden temptation."

The diminutive mage begins to weave wonders from sheer light, letting out a girlish chuckle as the brilliantly luminescent particles twirl and fade. A garish display that earns at least a few pained sighs from fellow students.With soft waifish features hidden beneath...

Step Daddy

"My step daddy is so naughty"

Strong and tough, he is so protectiveEnsuring that my choice of boysIs very, very selective.But on a July balmy day,His attitude suddenly changedIt was like he was full of jealousy,He looked slightly deranged.‘’I’m tired of all these boys,taking off you what...

Gaze into the mirrorAt that beauty standing thereNo mar upon perfectionA visage pure and fairSmile, a mouth that curves in glassReflection in the eyesFull form is that caught staring backDeadened, yet alivePassions build without restraintNo halt to those desiresNo holds...