The Woman In The Supermarket

"She threatens to smack his legs, but he gets much more."

It was the nineteen eighties. Mark was twenty-four and was three years into his first professional job in computing. In those days, everyone in computing wore a dark suit with a white shirt and tie.Mark shared a house with two other,...

Time Of The Month

"I experience my horrific monthly maintenance caning, in the hope that a delightful reward will ensue"

It was the first Saturday of the month, a day that my wife, Amanda, refers to as "my time of the month." Amanda, of course, also has "her time of the month," but the expression has a different meaning for...

A Misunderstanding – The Sequel – Part 9

"Claire is in her element, Sarah starts to have reservations, and Simon reaches breaking point"

Sarah decided that Simon had had enough time away from his chores for one day, and so, despite Claire being keen to see him in his new outfits and to teach him how to apply makeup, Simon spent the rest...

A Misunderstanding – The Sequel – Part 8

"Simon discovers that Claire can be even more dominant than Sarah. And he's taken shopping."

Simon came back downstairs, after his shower, with his mind still muddled. It was only 10:30 AM, yet already his world had been turned upside down--again. He had woken up that morning being submissive to one gorgeous woman, Sarah, but...