Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 22

"I experience an embarrassing incident at university, which leads on to further humiliation in the hands of Amy."

Sunday with Laura, and our guest Amy, had been a mixture of excruciating embarrassment and painful arousal. Being made to worship Amy's toes and then being rewarded with a flash of her damp panties, had been a new and completely...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 18

"Amy demonstrates how persuasive she can be by making up rules for me to obey. Laura is amused that I give in to Amy so easily."

I had been surprised by Laura's relaxed attitude towards my latest act of stupidity, which had been to allow Amy to view my knickers and chastity device. Laura's opinion had been that if I wished to humiliate myself in front...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 11

"I discover that Laura is going away for the weekend, but has arranged for my sister to stay to look after me"

The weeks were flying by, and Laura and I had settled into our respective roles in a female-led relationship. I had learnt what I had to do to please Laura and to meet her expectations, whatever those were. In return...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 8

"I am caned and I discover that what my sister lacks in skill, she makes up for in enthusiasm."

Laura had already embarrassed me in front of my sister, not only making me strip to my underwear and showing her my chastity device, but also explaining to Phoebe the rationale for making men wear female undies and denying them...

The Couple That Stays Together – Part 5: Recruits

"Their relationship healing, Rachel and Bertie move on to spicier things..."

From the notes of Dr. Kelsey Ransom, PsyDToday I terminated my relationship with Rachel and Bertie.The couple has completed what I would consider the standard period of couple’s therapy, and even though our sessions have uncovered some skeletons in their...

The Couple That Stays Together – Part 2: Remonstration

"It's Bertie's turn to take responsibility for his shortcomings"

From the notes of Dr. Kelsey Ransom, PsyDThere has been a development since our last session. The couple’s last therapist had described Rachel’s cooperation in therapy as reluctant at best, but today she was quite eager to participate. She apologized...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 2

"Laura leaves me in no doubt as to where I am in the pecking order and decides something must be done to curb my frequent masturbation."

Our next date marked a milestone in our relationship, because Laura invited me to her flat for dinner. She even cooked it, and very good it was. However, whilst she enjoyed a glass of Prosecco, she expected me to drink...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 21: In Dreams (Bertie)

"We've seen Rachel's fantasy, what's going on with her boyfriend?"

Bertie sat waiting, even if he hadn’t known where he was. The room was spacious and gray, the carpet was gray (With a spiral pattern if one looked closely enough), and he sat in one of two gray armless chairs...

Losing Control – Part 10

"I experience Alice's scent in concentrated form, then fall foul of Helen before being coerced into running 5k, dressed as a girl"

After pleasuring Alice with my mouth on Monday, I didn’t spend any time alone with her for three days, but the memory of that experience remained vivid, and just recalling it led to my penis swelling inside its tiny cage.It...