How can we?

"A man questions his lush-life."

How can we face this uncertainty,Running in its maze of dead ends?Fraught with the unknown.Hiding in shadows. How can we get past these barriers?Solid yet imagined,Holding back our passion,And burdening our spirits. How can we unleash our true nature?Simmering passion...

If this is

"A man contemplates his relationship."

If this is your love; Let me feel its feathery touch. Let me wallow in its truthfulness. Let me run in its openness. Let me feast in its vibrancy. If this is your grace; Let me postulate at its purity....


"A man discovers himself"

Hidden in the darkness, Protected by a shell. The seed that was my heart, Was wallowing in hell. He could never blossom, In the place where darkness reigns. No sun could reach his outer. No strength could break his chains. Women laughed and pointed, At...

Is this me?

"A short love poem"

Is this my body?Alone, apart from the tapping of keys,Unlocking your soul and spirit across the ether,Bowed by your elegance and fuelled by desire. Is this my desire?Words that arouse and stimulate my mind.Turning my body into a priaptic state.Wishing...