The Tale of Danny Collins – Chapter 12

"Danny begins a new year with the intent of enjoying all of his lovers and adding some new ones."

As Christmas grew near, Danny had another vacation disappointment. Gloria announced that her father was taking the family skiing for ten days at Aspin. She said, "My Dad's had a great year in business and wants to celebrate by taking...


"You take what you want from me, relishing the consequences."

“It’s wrong! She’ll know!” I plead. Because I’ll tell her.You know I can’t resist you. Before, you rejected my love.Now, here, you ambushed me.Your cunt—slick and hot from your premeditation—traps my cock—helplessly rigid from your wet panties smearing my lips....

Summer slowlyGiving way to Autumn.Westward breezesBlowing through wheat fields.Crumbled grassUnder yourSweet bare ass.Golden curlsMatching Kansas wheat.Flashing eyesHungry,Dripping with lust.BeckoningYour teaseWorldly, knowing.As I fall deeperUnder your spell,Tossing me down.Wicked sexual laugh,Your conquest awaits.Holding my chin,Quick hungry kisses.Mounting me,Riding your Fallen stag.Sexual spellFulfilledOnce more.

Her green eyesCurve of full breastsPlaying with her drinkOn the huntFor just the oneHe sees his oneDripping of allureSitting next to hisDrinks flowedHer scent powerfulThe danceHeld tightPressed inYour hardnessHer moansHer hand on youZipper downYou grow hardStrokingFasterYou moanAs your seed flowsWords...

Conquest of Love

"The bitter conflict of love, loss, betrayal, and love fought for."

I have been laid open,Exposed for all to see The scar tissue of my heartThat forms your name.For only you could penetrateMy impregnable defense,And rip from my soulThe burning forever flame.Your wiles, your smiles,Your lustful kisses, your whispers That called...

Nature’s Warm Up (Foreplay Consummation)

"Spring awakenings infuse potent potential for propagation..."

Nature's Warm Up (Foreplay): Winter's frozen mantle recedes from yonder cordillera flanksAs wildflower bud presses it's urgent release, not yet fulfilled,Life-in-lull, dreaming through dim-lit days, wrestle with soaked cloakFor light and life, humus purified, fertile for expectant emergence. Eager rise...