The wilted carnations and poppies made a gloomy scene in the hospital lobby. That, plus the off black wallpaper and the coughing from other patients made one just feel dead. It put all who entered, or were exiting, into a...
A Good Student, Chapters 1, 2
"Professor Devlin recounts his story of a torrid D/s affair with a highly-gifted student"
Writing fiction doesn't pay much, and you give up a lot when you try to be a writer. Money, the things other people have, even family—you can pretty much kiss all that goodbye. But there are compensations. Your life's maybe...
A Good Student, Chapters 3 4
"The D/s relationship between Professor Devlin and his student Emma intensifies"
I wasn't really nervous about the next class session. It wasn't that I was feeling cocky or especially sure of myself. It was more like I was sure of Emma, sure of who she was and what she was like,...