Connie’s Plan

"The best laid plan of Uhhhh Connie, NOT!"

"But William, you agreed to this." Connie pleaded."Yes, that is true. But since that night, when we were in the heat of passion and were acting out your fantasy, and I gasped the words, 'Yes, OK,' answering your request, I...

Last ABS Visit

"One last visit before I head back to college"

I was returning to college in a few weeks. I decided I needed to make one last visit to the ABS. My girlfriend and I were moving in together at the start of the semester, I didn’t figure I’d get...

Chamois 3

"Seduction becomes romance isn't that backwards?"

Chamois 3 Will was dumfounded. The answer machine was now like a monster. At least it could not laugh at his confusion. Will tried to make some sense of the past week and the messages that led up to this yet,...

The Wrong One ~ Chapter 3

"2% - I'm in love with my step-brother"

Jordan ~ I watched as Danny silently set up the little cups of paint. He washed and dried my foot and ankle, then ran a razor over it. We were good friends, but we didn’t spend a lot of time talking...

The Wrong One ~ Chapter 1

"'Accidental' Touching - I'm in love with my step-brother"

Jace~ “Hey Jace, whatcha doin tonight?” Jordan’s voice called from his room across the hall. He dragged out the words in a slow, irritating manner.“Have date,” I shouted back, busily cramming my history book under the bed—wouldn’t need that again until...

Emotional Rollercoaster (Tearing Myself Apart)

"This most likely does not make sense to anyone but myself..."

Crash.There goes my feelings.Thud.Face down again, in the mud.Rip.There is no longer flesh, only scars.Clank.My stomach sank.Ding.Someone's here but I don't answer.Smash.Face down on the bed.Bang.That's my brain as it implodes.Smack.Across the face for looking back.Crack.The wall breaks through my...