Coveting Chloe

"Chloe gets a birthday present she never expected."

Chloe perched on the edge of kitchen bench, her legs crossed at the knees. A silver heel dangled from one set of toes while the other lay on the tiles at her feet. A feeling of contentment washed over her....

Sex at Work

"I had confessed to being an Erotic Story Writer, She wanted proof and got it!"

I encourage comments and voting on my stories, I am new at this type of writing, and would appreciate any feedback.  I feel it would help in refining the stories I feel the need to write.  Thanks   I have...

Sex at Work, Part 2

"She had gotten the proof required, now she wanted even more"

Well, it really wasn’t a dream.   I had confessed on a web site I visit regularly, I guess a week or so ago about telling my coworker of a website that I had a story posted on, and her...

Sex at Work, Part 3

"She had gotten more proof in the cooler, now it was my turn"

As a fairly new erotic writer I encourage any comments and votes on my work, that is how I will know if my writing is meeting the needs of YOU, the readers.  Thanks   This confession seems to go on...