A Street Party Named Desire : Chapter 2

"You can take the girl out of the Murias tribe, but you can’t take the Murias tribe out of the girl."

When Thursday came around, Kajal packed the fridge with beers, ready for the weekly Entertainment Committee meeting. But, rather than heat some pre-prepared chicken wings, this time, she made them from scratch, in an Indian style. Having marinated them in...

A Street Party Named Desire : Chapter 1

"So there you have it. We come from a family of sluts, and that’s why we’re sluts ourselves."

In the months following his death, Kajal had considered moving into her father’s empty townhouse in Hampstead. It was more spacious than her cramped two-bedroom flat and in a much better location, situated on the edge of the Heath and...

O, Ejaculate In Me

"Sometimes a woman of a certain social stature knows exactly what she wants..."

Ejaculate in me, my love,I open my womb for thee,Fingering flicks or pussy licks,‘Tis not our destiny,Ovulation has come, my love.Ejaculate in me.O, initiate me, my love,Redeem my biology,Press in quick, inside my slit,Thrust rigorously.Fertility has come, my love,Ejaculate in...