Such odd flowers, writhing like stormy clouds until nectar glistens. Still, though spoilt we lie, shadowed and mangled beneath them, a beautiful color of petal they have: sunset and sunrise blushed with dew.Our color!But Mother Gaia, what flower drops its...
Handling Things
"It's good to be able to handle things..."
Did he really pass out on me already? I should have known he was all talk and no action. He promised tonight would be different. Haha! Seriously, did he think he could satisfy me after just a ten minute quick...
Sex and Bird Watching
"Her face is lit with a devious innocence behind eyes that speak to me a thousand silent ways."
Somewhere along the way, I decide that drinking is the best way to cope – best being the operative word. Sure, I go to sleep happily sedated in some whiskey-induced high that distorts the shit my life seems to be...
Best Snow Day Ever
"A surprise snow day leads to more surprises for lesbian teacher"
6:59 A.M. The radio alarm jarred her angrily awake, as always. It was set to the hip hop station to force her to get up immediately and switch off the the fucking racket before leaping like a wounded gazelle from...
The Sweater
"Love truly is forever"
I sat at the table re-reading the letter for the tenth time. I still couldn't believe it. My dad's sister, Marie, whom I'd never met, had passed away. According to her lawyer, she left me her house.My dad rarely spoke...
Learning to Read and Write
"One girl’s passion to write stories feeds her girlfriend’s fetish for hearing them read."
Read to me.I never imagined that words, especially those three uttered by my girlfriend, would have had such orgasmic impact. They did.I knew everything about her, or so I thought. Spent countless hours studying her face, her body language, all...
Beyond Bad
"She always gets what she wants"
I looked around to make sure no one had followed me before I opened the door. I loved the intrigue but knew it would be a disaster if anyone suspected these clandestine meetings were taking place. The election loss had been...
Laura Dowd entered her apartment and grinned from ear to ear as she was greeted by moans and slick, slapping sounds of flesh on flesh coming from her bedroom. Her fiancé, Jim, was undoubtedly in her bed watching porn, again....