Dorm Life: Ben, Best Co-Worker Ever

"Will Ben and Khole finally give in to their overwhelming desire?"

The next day of classes took forever. Made even worse by not having to go to work afterwards. Which meant no Khole, and no closure.Ben thought about texting her, but didn’t want to seem clingy. After all, Khole did just...

New Semester – Part 1, September

"A student in my organic chemistry class caught my attention..."

I’m a chemistry professor at a large university, already over halfway through a busy fall semester, and what a semester I’m having! Fall is when I teach Organic Chemistry 1 to a couple of hundred undergraduate students, ranging from the...

Campus Streaking

"A naked run across campus with four beautiful young women"

I had just gotten dressed and was absentmindedly unpacking my books from my backpack recalling memories of last night. My friend Rachel and three of her friends from high school, who were visiting her at college, were in my dorm...

Her At Night, Him In The Morning: Part One – Her

"Tom Has a Great Night with Her, But Seeks Him in Morning"

In following my sexual encounters after transferring my senior year of college, my girlfriend, Mary, lived with a sexual bombshell, Karen. Karen's boyfriend, John, was 6'4" and 240. Being in college, at the height of our sexual peaks, there was...

Discovering the Deep Pleasures of Anal Sex

"Mary has multiple orgasms from anal sex, and subsequently demands it often!"

When I was in university, my sexual experience blossomed with my girlfriend, as did hers, along with our sexual identities. My love for Mary was complete, and our very active sex life solidified our heterosexuality. Mary shared an off-campus apartment...