The Friends That Spank Together – Part 3: Between Friends

"Rachel agrees to give her new acquaintance a second chance."

Bertie had once told her over dinner that no food drew him back to a specific time and place like two-dollar student discount pizza. While he’d never admitted it, Rachel knew from the occasional stain on his clothes that he...

Reflecting On Sex

"The Evolution of an Exhibitionist: Part 11"

(Mid 1980s) Taking not much more than the head in my mouth, I sucked it like a straw. He was excited, but that didn’t last. The mood turned. Knowing something was wrong, I tried sucking harder, as if from a...

McDonna, Over 50 Billion Served

"The Evolution of an Exhibitionist: Part 9"

(Mid 1980s) Gator Growl is basically the world’s largest pep rally. Held at the University of Florida, where tens of thousands gather to be entertained by a student-run production that includes a variety of entertainment and appearances by top entertainers....

Rent Is Due

"Two Co-Eds find an alternate to paying rent"

"He's coming, watch this," said Sarah."Wait, you are really doing this?" asked Bianca.Sarah put on her black bra and panties, which contrasted with her pale skin, which was covered in freckles. Her dark brunette hair and blue eyes gave her...

Dorm Life: Ben, Helping Out Khole

"Ben learns how important it is for coworkers to help each other out"

When Ben finally returned to work the following weekend. He took his usual spot back in the storage room, shoulder deep in stacks of boxes. Apparently, the store had gotten way behind with inventory over the past week, and Ben...

Late Again

"My roommate's prank results in the worst day of my life"

With a start, I jolted awake to the incessant beeping of my alarm clock. The shrill noise echoed through the room, signaling that it was finally time to start my day. I groggily rubbed the sleep from my eyes and...