The Introduction

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll make sure she's well taken care of before she comes home."

Melissa pulled up to the curb in front of the dormitory, parking her car by the sidewalk. "We're here, honey!" she exclaimed with a smile as her daughter Elisabeth gathered her things from the backseat. It was the first day...

Dorm Life: Ms. Jordan, Cravings

"Fall break is getting steamy"

With Thanksgiving break looming, Nick was headed home. His roommate, Scott, was tagging along. Their other roommate, Nick’s girlfriend Katie, was across the country visiting her workaholic sister, who scheduled her bachelorette party to coincide with the holiday weekend.Scott missed...

My First, Her First

"A frustrated brother and sister decide to experiment together, and have an unexpectedly romantic experience."

It was early spring after my 2nd year of college, and I was moved back home to my parents house. The job I had lined up for the summer didn’t start for another whole month, and the rest of the...

Halloween Evening With Mrs. Winters: A Cuckold Tale

"A Young Man Discovers the Pleasures of a Married Mom"

“Ashton, I had no idea you were coming home,” said Cheryl Winters.  The forty-five-year-old mom of three looked incredibly sexy in her tight, black witch costume.  Twenty-year-old Ashton Johnson had returned for a few days from the first semester of...

The World Turns – Chris and Brianna 2

"The world changes. From now on, everyone has both genitalia. Chris and Brie each talk to friends about the change"

Brianna pushed open the door to her dorm room, the three shopping bags dangling from her wrist making a racket as they swung from the motion. She had gotten Chris four bras; they weren’t very good bras, mostly spandex that...