The Trip Home

"Tamera and Tony get stranded on a mountain road, and stay warm the only way they know how."

Journal #32 Sunday, December 15th I can’t believe I’ve written thirty-one journals already. With all the stresses and anxieties of life in college, it has been a good release, to get it all of out of my mind and onto...

Refuge From The Cold

"Young woman seeks help in the cold, finding a handsome stranger"

You were headed out of town and knowing the weather was going to be bad, you left a few days early. After the sun set, the weather took a turn for the worse. The icy rain came down in sheets....

Alone and Daring

"Janice is home alone and gets a daring thought. She discovers the exhibitionist inside....."

It was the middle of winter with nothing to do, 10 degrees below zero, and thinking of you. You out of town, and me all alone, no computer, no cable, not even a phone. My mind started wandering, with a...