I never heard the car pull up or the bedroom door open. I missed the sight as you slowly stripped off, dropping you clothes in a heap on the floor. I did not hear you as went and got showered...
The Cabin in the Woods
"Sometimes the unexpected is what you need"
The snow was falling so thickly that I could barely see the road. I didn't like driving alone in this type of weather, but when you walk in on your boyfriend of five years in bed humping your best friend,...
Mother Nature Is Not What You Think
"She meets the actual Mother Nature, who teaches her a few things"
She stood at the corner of the patio, where the rising sun was just catching her sable hair. That’s what caught my eye, the sun glancing off her shiny hair. She wore a long purple coat that nearly reached the...
The Ice Queen Challenge
"Not everyone can handle the cold"
"How about one in my vodka tonic?""Let's see the money first, Bob."Bob dropped a hundred dollar bill onto the stage.Jill popped another ice cube in her mouth, sucked, then slid it into her cunt. The crowd clapped and hooted loudly.Chants...
Snow Falls Silent on Evergreen Trees
"A life changing revelation in a cabin in the middle of nowhere."
A weakness of mine is my tendency to develop myopia when engaging in certain aspects. Reading is probably the biggest. Couple that with a naturally panicky disposition and a heart attack before I was able to legally drink means I...
Spoils of War: Cold as Ice
"A fleeing man narrowly escapes his pursuers, and offers his reward to the spirit of the ice."
Snowflakes melt on my face as I numbly trudge through the ever-deeper cover of cotton-like snow. I give a silent prayer to the Gods for the cold. Else I would never have gotten this far.I reach a patch of windswept...
Camping In The Cold
"A couple camping in the chilly weather, heating things up their own way"
We are driving through the hills of Indiana., heading to a breathtaking state park. It's chilly. Okay, its downright cold. A freezing 32 degrees currently, dark grey clouds and slightly misting. The low tonight will be twenty-two, the perfect temperature...
Sweet Sensations of The Skin
"Baby, it's cold outside but there's a fire of desire burning inside."
 The sun is shining bright.The wind is bitter cold.We made love through the nightand it's not getting old and so we'll stay insideto do what lovers dowith Summer's sultry heatdeep in me and deep in you. Our eyes are shining brightin the...
Dreams of Aspen and fresh falling powdercuddling by the fire all melt like so much errant snowYou know the seasons will changeyet you're always surprised when hearts doBetter not to rely on the weatherbecause Mother Nature can be unforgivingDress in...
Window of Opportunity
"I shouldn't watch her, but will the reward outweigh the danger?"
I didn't mean to stop and watch, but simply couldn't resist her lithe silhouette framed in the saffron rectangle of light that clicked on ahead of me. Like a glowing beacon in the cold evening gloom, the warmth of the...