Slut in Training – Part 1: High School

"how I became the joyous slut I am today"

I first saw Brad when he happened to be walking beside me in our high school hallway. He was by far the cutest guy in our high school. I was a sixteen year-old virgin teenager who daydreamed 24/7 about changing that...

My Little Slut

"Sometimes you just need a quick hard fuck to stop cut the stress of any argument."

God, I hate when we argue, not because we have different ideas but because it makes me so incredibly horny for you. I know I should be mad, or you are mad, but it’s like a switch is flipped, and...

Time’s A Bitch

"Nothing but a cock sleeve."

There’s no timefor restno reprieve fromincessant jarringdeep dickingpounding forcethe clock keeps ticking,time will run out.She’s a slut,she’s a whore.She'll bend over,while she’s beggingneeding morethere’s alwaysmore in storecan she just hold onplay it safeshe always does. She knows the gameno stringsno loveit’s all...