They say it takessome time to healwhen losing love the pain you feelIn biding time you realise it might just takemore thoughts apprisedTo ask myselfwhat did I doto let her downwithout a clueSure, certian thingscome into playbut don't add up...
To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 06
"Returning home one last time before beginning her new life with her love."
Alicia rode at Thakkor’s side down the hill, once more traveling on the well maintained roads of Freeland. After four days of easy riding, she and Thakkor were within a day’s ride of the city. As on their previous journey,...
"final ending,"
In my sorrow I do know, that today she will tell me no with her heart in tow,her love she will let go for reasons only she will know My head hung in woe, as her words deliver blows no...