Forgive me…2

"Private Counseling seemd like a good idea at the time..."

Father Thomas felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead, his body trembling with the aftershocks of his own climax. He had never felt such a powerful rush of pleasure, and the realization of his sin weighed on him...

Welcoming The New Bishop 6 Jezebel

"Dolly Clark is seen as a prim and proper young lady but she knows there is a Jezebel inside her."

Jezebel Jones was young and seemed so sweet when she met Paul Parker. She and her Father were new members of The Holy Cross Community Church, where her grandfather was the founder and senior Pastor.  It was indeed Jezebel that Bobby...

After Church

"All sins can be forgiven"

After the Sunday morning church service, Julia and her boyfriend, Mark, decided to escape the prying eyes of their small town and venture into the nearby woods for some much-needed alone time. Julia, with her golden hair cascading down her...