Sisters’ Temptation

"Christian sisters simply can't resist one another"

This story has religious themes and juxtaposes them with lesbian incest.Gianna looked at the text she'd received from her little sister on her phone again, contemplating. Lindsay had casually mentioned that their parents had left for vacation that afternoon and...

Camp Trinity (Part I)

"Delilah decides Christian summer camp may not be too bad this year..."

It’s pathetic, really, that my parents still control me at eighteen years old. Instead of partying with my friends the summer before freshman year of college, I’m stuck in a bus packed full of thirteen to nineteen year old Bible...

Sebastian M And The Race For Andrea’s Cherry

"A player finds a young Christian too tempting to resist"

In the year of 2017, Sebastian M arrived at the University of Girona to begin his study of politics and philosophy. He was tall and well built at eighteen, with a blonde crew cut. He was elated to finally escape...