Cheer Camp Part 3

"Alyssia tries somethings new....."

I looked over at Rochelle and Coach Ryan. They smiled at Chris and I. All I could think about was I really hope we don't get into trouble for what we were doing, and I hope that Coach Ryan wasn't...

Cheer Camp Part 2

"Alyssia cools off after a day of cheerleading or does she just get hotter?"

Walking towards our dorm room after our first day of learning new cheers, and trying new tricks had taken it's toll. I was ready to go and soak in the tub in our bathroom. I had aches in places I...

The Wayward Daughters

"Two fathers discover that their teenage daughters have been giving it away, for free, and for money."

Jack and Sam had been neighbors and best friends since high school, and for years had worked together and played together.  They even arranged to get married together at a double ceremony.  They made a lovely foursome, Jack and Joanne...

Close Teacher

"A caring teacher takes good care of a student in need."

I try to keep a close relationship with my students, portraying myself more that just an adult role model, but as an adult friend.   In being a young teacher, students sometimes find it easier when someone of authority is...

Cheerleader gives head to brother pt. 2

"Sister wants more from brother"

Partying Cheerleader Style part 2 It would help to read Partying Cheerleader Style 1 first.The first day back of class was brutal. It was hard wondering the campus and trying to stay positive. It had only been a short while...

Cheerleader gives head to brother

"Cheerleader gives head to brother"

My sister and I were typical teenagers. I was a senor in high school and my sister was a freshmen. I was on the Varsity football team and my sister just made the cheerleader squad two days ago. The workouts...

Cheerleader Sandwich

"A virgin cheerleader enjoys a first time threesome with her boyfriend, and best friend."

Over the past ten years I've come a long way from a sweet, innocent, extremely naive 18-year old from Alabama, I was a debutant, a princess, and one of the rich girls that everyone was jealous of. I was cute,...