Behind The Tapestry Part 4

"The king works on a secret project behind the tapestry"

After they dried off and dressed, they enjoyed their picnic lunch next to the water.  “Who else has access to this area?” she asked as they lay back in the grass.“Only us,” he said, closing his eyes and feeling the warmth of...

Park Play

"Written by my partner and I. He has written from my perspective and I from his."

It is a crisp fall evening as I walk to the park bench. I can hear my high heels disturbing the leaves as I walk deeper in the park. I feel their dampness on the tops of my naked feet...

Your collar is empty but I still hold this chain;Without you around nothing is the same.I long for my sexy lost pet;I am stuck I can’t seem to take a step.The one that I loved is no more;Did he really...