My Newest Coworker

"I go through hell after teasing my newest coworker"

For the past several years, everything had been going steady for me. I worked a high paying job at the same law firm for over seven years and was also in the perfect relationship with Mandy for ten. Her luscious...

After the hockey club episode

"I eventually get back to being dominated"

Following my night with the hockey club, I wanted to seek out similar opportunities. I was exhilarated, but this time not at all conflicted. The women were all from a distant suburb, and thus no threat to my standing as...

Coping With The Pat Aftermath

"I mature physically and emotionally - at least to some extent."

After the session with her friends, and Pat's effort in helping me learn about how to give her pleasure, I wanted more of the same. I was worried about my reputation, and a little guilty, but I yearned for more....

Femdom – the next stage

"I progress to group femdom, submissiveness."

At the end of my first episode, I was looking forward to further naked exposures and masturbation with Pat watching. However progress was put on hold for a while. Firstly, Pat finished her secretarial course, and got a job, meaning...

Nude Swim Team Chapter 1

"A junior in high school has to swim naked on his swim practice."

The bell rang. Everyone jumped out of their desks and bolted for the door, except for a few students, including me. The other three were girls. One of them, whose name was Elana, was talking to another one named Alexis....