Given Life

"Nova doesn't know that Logan is her cure."

It's hard to believe I'm letting Emma talk me into meeting her for drinks tonight. I've been intentionally distancing myself from her because I don’t want her to know I have cancer. I can't bear to see the look of...

Tears and blood That's what I have  A monster is what I have become Trails of love Of heartache left On the alter gazed By the Gods Cursed to transform  My face begotten  My body unrecognizable Seems I shall remain...

Thrice Loved Ch 2

"Love of my life, Janet"

Yes, I was dead. At least I was emotionally soul dead to the world. My heart was dead and had no room for myself else much less anyone else. Yes, I ate meals that had no flavor. I took showers...

Cancer Perk

"Evelina learns to lose her virginity in life with the help of a man, whom doesn't know her secret"

It hurts. My eyes are straining and it is difficult to seewhen the lights are flashing as quickly as they are. The music is pounding, the people are dancing, the drinks are flowing and Kara is puking. Apparently she had...

So I Promise

"Man reflects on his past loves and his wife survival of cancer"

I lie here in bed tonightMy wife sleeping in my sightQuiet is her breathing nowBreaks the silence of this night. Sometimes I wonder if a past loverWere lying here in your placeI cannot recall all their namesAt times not even...