Jackin’ Jill Ch. 02

"Now that Jill knows he's a virgin, she wants to be his first."

The door opening finally snapped him out of the online world where he was King for at least a day. He turned around to see Jill carrying the suitcase that housed the lights and cameras. “Give me a hand with this?...

Jackin’ Jill Ch. 01

"His favorite camgirl walks into his real life and makes an offer there's no way he's refusing."

Rodney stood at the top of the stairs, listening for hints that anyone was still awake in the house. After a few minutes, he was sure that his parents and sister were all out for the count. He closed the...

Beads of sweat formed on Belle’s forehead, her open mouth silently voicing her pleasure. She allowed herself to get completely lost in the moment, blocking out the reality of her circumstance and denying to herself the true material origins of...

Milf Allie

"Camgirl Milf Allie needs back online fast, and just the right stud arrives to lay some cable"

Allie lay on the bed, panting for breath – her brow damp with sweat. She was far more than damp elsewhere, as she recovered from a powerful orgasm. She’d knocked the remote for the camera off the bed during her...