My soul stills, No waves of emotions. The waters are smooth, Without ripples. There’s a softness, Yet sadness as well.The moon casts his shadow, Across the surface. Light breaking through, Still no movement.Just calmness.Will I drift into oblivion? Or feel the beating of my soul, Coming back, As the shore calls...
Her voice called to me stirring the treesSinging softly and sweetly in fall's gentle breezeEnveloped I was found in a comforting bouquetThe fragrant scent of her soul beckoned me to stayIllumined by the late slanting afternoon sun Her light touched...
You didn't know thatYour love was saving meThat I was dead insideI was just survivingNot truly living lifeNot seeing life's beautyYour love became my drugIntoxicating meArousing my broken spirit Reviving all that was Long ago forgottenThe me, that I long...