Unguent 5 (Dinner)

"Laura's initiation continues, and is succeeded by a delicious dinner, and some juicy information."

Laura sighed, and looked around her, post orgasm. La petit mort was also la petit renaissance, and post climax everything looks different from the moment before. She distinguished more features in the women who had been pleasuring her, and wondered...

Unguent 2

"Laura heads home in her brand new body, and starts getting used to all the lusty looks she's getting"

Acclimatization The contract looked intimidating, but Laura was determined to do anything to hold on to her current newfound youth. If the Gods were this good, then she was sure that they wouldn’t shower this much goodness for naught or...


"An elderly lady gains voluptuous youth through magic, but wonders if the price is too high."

Laura Lioness’s hips hurt. She wondered if she needed hip replacement. She limped to her dresser and pulled out one dark chocolate Ferrero Rocher, unwrapped the foil around it with fumbling, unsteady fingers, and popped the crunchy dark ball in...