The Beauty of Broken Things: Part Two

"A single photograph can save a life and heal hearts"

Chapter Six: The Girl that was not Quite TessaThe snow had begun to fall in earnest long before Tessa reached the first streetside motel she could find, somewhere down Brooklyn Bridge Boulevard. Though not a large dog, the weight of...

The Beauty of Broken Things: Part One

"A single photograph can save a life and heal hearts"

Chapter One: The Beauty of Broken ThingsKelso paused for the shot, because it was perfect. It was not the bridge over the river, cloaked in a rolling autumn fog, and it was not the distant, hazy forms of the buildings,...

Kicks And Giggles

"Struggling lesbians employ whimsy to improve their life"

Safa was laying on the bed sharing memes with Stef like they did every night before bed.  Ezra and Mickey were curled up on the bed between them, fast asleep, as asleep as cats go.  Stef made a soft chortle of...