In Sleep

"Relaxed in Slumber."

Smooth skin, softly lit by moonlight.A tragedy would be to close the curtains,to block out that gentle blanket of rays.Face smooth of day's worries, eyes closed, that burning intensity cooled.  My body slips up against yours, my aim to be to hold, not...

In a fractured world,Where sanity seems to die,Touched by the madness and lies.Where the turmoil of my mind seems endless,And darkness wants to reign. There is oneA candle lit in the darkness.Her voluptuous form,Fills my mind,And overwhelms my soul.Her voice brings hope...

Something I never knew, or never before noticed,As you lie with my arms wrapped about you,And with your head on my chest,Something special just happened.Silence was broken.Twas your breath,Skating across my nipple andRustling the hairs on my chest beforeSliding off...

Sitting at stop Eon 2am cold plasticWatching bus after bus we could have caughtdrive byDon't look at each otherCount the breathsbetween words Your nose breathing hard on my faceas we kiss for the last timeMy palm in the S of your...

Silent Scream

"Was it worth it? ...Yes I whisper"

In the silence of the night I wake with a fright.The dream I had—was it real?I smelled you,touched you,felt your breath,heard your voice.Then I screamquietly, muffled into my pillow.It was all so real;the dream became my reality.The touch;the smell; the...

To Worship And Serve

"She worships then serves her One"

She slips into the room, an air of sweet submission surrounds her, but you know the truth of her. You know her defiance, her greed and her insatiable need. She watches you sitting in your chair from across the room,...