Mon Merchant Chapter 11

"Reina helps Suvi prepare for her new job while Azalea seeks to be productive"

Jeni greeted the returning Devin and Reina as she was flipping her door sign from open to closed. “Welcome back, Young Patron, friend Reina.”“Good evening, Jeni. You seem more… upbeat. Did something nice happen today?” asked Devin, kicking his boots...

Nursing The Neighbor – Part 3

"Thrilled with their success, Gale and Darren commit to a full-time ANR, but an unexpected issue arises."

Upon hearing the news, Darren told me he was leaving work and would be at my apartment as soon as he could. While impatiently waiting, I was overcome by the irrational fear that my milk would dry up before he...

Nursing The Neighbor – Part 2

"Gale and Darren grow closer while continuing their efforts to induce lactation."

Though I was still plenty aroused when Darren left, I was also exhausted. I decided to go to bed early, and almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, sleep drew me into its welcome oblivion. Because of Darren,...

Nursing The Neighbor – Part 1

"Desperate circumstances drive Gale to indulge her neighbor's fetish."

From his apartment directly below mine, Darren must have heard me crying. Clueless as to how loud my sobbing was, I was surprised when he knocked on my door at a little after seven that evening.Though we'd been neighbors for...