Joan Brings Home A Beautiful Black Stud For Date Night As Her Cuckold Husband Requested.

"The Black Stud takes Complete Control Of Joan And Her Lust Filled Body."

Joan no sooner arrives home with her date, Jake, when he takes complete control of her as he pushes her down onto the bed, stripping off her one-piece white translucent outfit from her body. Joan looks at Jake with begging...

Reciprocity: First Trust

"Where does the boundary between submission and control lie? Sam finds out between the heat of two women."

Silence is harder to endure when it's shared. I know they’re both there and try to banish the latent vision of Leila, spread naked, face-up on the table ahead of me, bound to it by four silk scarves similar to...

Doc Talk

"Doctors, revenge, fun."

Rachel set her tennis bag on the floor and leaned it against the ER exam table. “Would you shut the privacy curtain, Jennifer?”Jennifer pulled the curtain closed. She twirled and her lab coat settled against her body like petals closing....

Seduced By My Poetry

"oh to tempt beyond someone’s capacity to resist"

Seducedby my poetrymanipulating her mind and bodyI chain her to my bedand then blindfold herbefore reading erotic versesto her soulthat trigger her arousalDespite her discomfortI watch her beingdrawn to my voiceand to my touchtill eventually she is beggingfor more pleasurewithin...

Nightfall Submission

"She lies to herself about stopping, but knows she can't. Male, female, how many, it matters not. They own her."

Naked and restrained upon a hard, bare chair, her body is warmed by the late day sunlight peeking through the only window in the room. She awaits their return, knowing well the pain and pleasure that will be hers after...