Time was a villain. As unassuming as still water and heavy enough to drown in. A cool breeze stole the searing bite from the bonfire before Daphne, and she wished it could regenerate what had already been burned. Her childhood....
Fall of the Chateau Glissant, Chapter 6 (Conclusion)
"The last party"
“You look way freaked out,” she said, upon seeing me walk in behind the others. She was in a pair of Burberry sandals that she must have borrowed from my closet, and an emerald green bikini that cinched slightly into...
Apparently, Chase brought out the new party favors before he went upstairs to join us in the shower, because when I got back downstairs and outside, I noticed the paper bag full of poppers sitting on the table with two...
I slept the afternoon away with a long rest, drifting in and out of sleep. The voices of my dad, and of Annabelle, and of the Louis Vuitton girl formed an odd mental pastiche under the drone of the ceiling...