St. Margaret’s Vicarage, Stratton-Over-Wye, Spring 1784What bliss, thought Lucy Whitmore as she listened to the birdsong in the slightly unkempt vicarage garden. Even if she racked her brains, she couldn’t remember the last time she had a quiet minute to...
A hint of petticoat,A wisp of lace,Dear, tell me soThen I'll pick up the pace.A glimpse of ankle,Even bare shoulder,Now, to be frank, I'llBecome even bolder.Slide my hand to your gartersAnd that's only for starters,To stroke your bare thighWith a...
There was a jangling of the bell as they walked into the bookshop. Godfrey gallantly stood back to allow Eugenia through the doorway as he took off his hat. He then followed her to greet the shopkeeper who was seated...