You Are There

"The hunger within"

You are there, near - distant, so nearYou don't know me, you know meYour very essence, wanting, cravingClose, intimate, more? Yes! Yes! Yes!You are there, breathing, breathless The wonder within, the desire withoutYou feel your body shivering, unfulfilledSavouring the moment,...

So many things turn me onThe way you want to look at me talk to me and touch me. So many things turn me on when I see you walk into a room and out of the room you really...

Anatomy less on

"Let your ( or his or another hers ) fingers do the walking But come back slow"

Walking fingers took a tourOn bare land but not barren.A ticklish trek, that's for sure.For no clothing was she wearin'. Light steps across two robust moundsThese fingers reached their peaksAscent so smooth, rapture aboundsAt the summit with gentle tweaks. They travelled taut...

Zones Erotique

"Erotically from A to Z.. the ultimate female stripped of pretense"

Z is for zones érotiques A woman needs but a gentle touch To release her feminine mystique. But a man can never put too much Into her très chaude zone érotique. Her hot zones cover so much And wrap love-lust...

Julia’s Audit

"Auditor comes and reviews taxes and offers to eat her out in return for approving her taxes"

It’s tax season of course and as usual, Julia McIntyre is late in finishing hers seeing as today is the very last day she can send it in. She hadn’t, as usual, filed an extension. Normally, she didn’t have to,...

Lost all of me

"The intensity of the moment brings my body to a test."

The intensity of the moment brings my body to a test. I couldn’t handle the situation and yet I sit still, waiting. I know that if I just sit there long enough in front of you that I would be...

I want to consume you, savor you like a piece of fine chocolate;Have you melt upon my tongue and you will never want me to stop it. Feeling the wrinkled skin on that little hard nub of flesh;I lick and...

His Sister

"Older brother returns home and ends up making sister feel better"

I’d come in from out of town and have been here for close to a few days now. Seeing as I’d been out of town and working there for over two years, I hadn’t realized how much had changed in...