He Brews in Her Cauldron of Sin

"The day the Devil filled herself with the love of God, the angels fell, and Heaven learned to revere sodomy."

"Your one o’clock appointment is here, Chief," Angelica, the ever-dutiful receptionist, chattered through the Heavenly intercom.God sighed.And somewhere on Earth, a thunderstorm brewed.This meeting had been on His agenda every Thursday since the beginning of time.Why would today be any...

Camp Trinity (Part I)

"Delilah decides Christian summer camp may not be too bad this year..."

It’s pathetic, really, that my parents still control me at eighteen years old. Instead of partying with my friends the summer before freshman year of college, I’m stuck in a bus packed full of thirteen to nineteen year old Bible...


"An unsatisfied Muslim wife betrays her husband for a special man."

Mahmuda Begum is a thirty-year-old Muslim woman born in Afghanistan but eventually came and settled in the United Kingdom when she was a baby. She had been married to her husband Nasser, who was three years older than her, for...

Fahima Ch.01

"Muslim housewife gives in to her inner slut."

Fahima Begum sat in front of her bedside mirror unable to concentrate as she struggled to fix her hijab properly. Lately, her mind had been plagued by doubts and sinful thoughts that no married Pakistani woman should have, and yet...