06 Mrs. O’ Leary

"Nancy's nipples stiffened as her whole body was shaking. I noticed an engagement ring on her finger."

Mrs. O'Leary was the bitch of the neighborhood. She and her husband had the biggest house and fanciest cars. She was a gorgeous, tall redhead. She stood at 5'-10" and had glowing green eyes. Her long thin waist flowed into...

Wrestling My Cousin

"Bitchy seventeen-year-old Shannon spends the summer with her cousin and their lopsided relationship takes a drastic change just a few days into their hot, sweaty, summer job."

The irritated blonde girl deliberately smacked her lips together as she chewed her gum. She was angry but somehow she managed to look even cuter when she was. It was that very rare level of cute that let her get...

After The Holiday Party

"Ego and power doom the night."

The weather was awful, so my plane had to circle the airport for almost forty minutes, making me over an hour late getting out.I paid the cab driver to get me home as fast as she could, but I knew...

Sex Offender

"Coffee, Comfy Sofas and Duplicitous Betrayal"

Creamy globules decorate my thighs, clinging jelly-like to skin as they resist gravities urge to descend helter-skelter towards impeccably shod feet. Leaning across her sedentary form my tongue pries lips apart and dances in her dribbling cavity of desire. Furious...

Her Secret Bitch

"...an unusual love story, about liberation from societal prejudices"

In the hushed corners of her private world,A secret ignites, its tendrils unfurled.Each week, she steps into a role anew,Becoming her Mistress's pet, loyal and true.A transformation unfolds, a ritual of release,As leather and leash bring her soul to peace.Bound...