Snack Girls

""You know that what you eat you are." (The Beatles)"

STAVE 1 - The PartySheena first spied the mouthwatering Vince Carino at Zach's birthday bash, a party she had been reluctant to attend. “You’ve turned into a boring lump, Sheena," the possessive Marion chided. "Parties are fun! Zach invited some...

Fairies Wear Boots

"Two fairies go down to the woods on the day the leather bears have their picnic. They're in for a big surprise!"

“Are you sure this is the path, Pete?” Assumpta bit back her finest Irish obscenities as brambles ripped another hole in her green tights. Admittedly, if she had to become a fairy for her best friend’s summer art project, a...


"Donna thought she'd have to walk home from the lake, then a dyke biker came by"

I was walking home along Route 39 out by the chicken farms and I was pissed. Steve and I had been at the lake necking and I was more than good with a little kissy-face. What I wasn't good with...

The Clubhouse Ch.4

"With Scooter away, Alyx befriends Corin"

Dams crumbling under the pressure of infinite watery battering rams.  Caviar spilling over her lithe body with tongues licking it off, like a director’s cut of a Marilyn Minter movie.  Fire consuming her whole yet leaving her somehow intact, perhaps...

The Clubhouse Ch.2

"Alyx gets wilder."

She woke the following morning just before it turned to afternoon.  She had totally vivid and intense dreams of screaming down the highway on the back of a bike, dancing around campfires naked, being in a gunfight.  As she walked...

The Clubhouse

"She had to know what's inside."

The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on.  She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her...

One of the Gang

"A breakdown on the highway leads her on the adventure of a lifetime!"

Julie Davis was in trouble. She had left Dallas too late in the day to begin her drive to Phoenix and now, just west of Odessa, her car had broken down. Now miles from nowhere and in a part of...