Comfort From The Big Storm

"Providing comfort to his daughter turns to sexual attraction for a heartbroken dad."

The shadows of tree branches projected by an outside streetlamp dance across the ceiling of Allyson's upstairs bedroom. Thunder was rumbling in the distance, and the wind leading the oncoming storm steadily increased. It was late evening, and the storm...

A Special Kiss For Ellie

"When a man hurts a woman, it’s always the next man who’s left picking up the pieces."

I frowned upon finding the chair taken — my chair, the leather highback I occupied every day at noon in a particularly secluded bookstore nook. What she was reading captivated her, so she didn’t notice my presence until I sat in...

Helen’s Humps

"Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes."

I wake spurting, desperately clinging to dissipating visions of her pillowy breasts sandwiching my cock.Last night she’d approached me at the bar. Helen. The seam of her clingy leggings disappeared between her southern orbs, saying, “Fuck you,” to those who...