Developing a Taste For It (Chapter 2)

"Now that she HAD developed a taste for it, her appetite became evident."

The next day, Cathie appeared at ten o’clock on the dot; it was something that Addie admired about his wife, her punctuality. He watched from his glass-walled office as she got off the elevator and walked purposely toward her husband’s...

Developing a Taste For It (Prelude)

"The best way to get his wife into a threesome was to get her liking the idea of it first."

“Are you crazy, Adrian?” she said in that stuck-up tone she often used. “Are you on drugs?” “Oh, c’mon, Cathie, don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.” He said as he poured the martinis. “It’s not like we would...

My Very First Threesome

"Meeting new neighbors can be an enlightening experience."

I had just finished moving into my new condo and was very hot and sweaty. The air conditioner had not yet been able to overcome the door standing open for two hours as I moved boxes and things. Even a...

A Chat With Maxine

"The first in a series. Slow starting but stick with it!"

‘Fancy a drink at lunch time?’ Max asked, as she flopped into her chair.‘I can’t, I’ve got a lunch meeting with a client.’ I answered.‘After work then?’ Max suggested, ‘I need to moan at someone and you’re a good listener.’‘You’re...

Ana and Carla – Part 3

"In the moonlight, Ana returns the pleasure"

[Just then, they heard people trickling back into the house, and quickly – or as quickly as Ana’s happy-tired muscles would allow – got themselves presentable again, and headed back downstairs.]Two o’clock in the morning, the moon shining onto her...