Rendezvous, Pt. II

"Two college students develop a relationship over time... it intensifies."

"Okay, Danny," she said to me almost immediately, then paused momentarily to consider her next words. "Here's the way I see it - 1) on one hand, we may ruin our relationship, which is doubtful, but remains a possibility; on...

Rendezvous, Pt. I

"Two college students develop a relationship over time... it intensifies."

Rendezvous It started out as a typical Saturday, with not much going on except a couple of phone calls that weren't of any consequence. Lounging on my sofa, listening to some music, and reading Catch-22 seemed like a proper way...

Beth and Sam 3

"Continuation of family relationships"

  Beth Sam and Steve    3                       Continuation of family relationships   Sam had already spoken to Steve about masturbation and tried to convey positive feelings about it. We watched for signs that Steve had experimented, but it...

Beth and Sam 2

"Into the fold"

  Beth and Sam 2         Into the fold   In the first chapter Beth and Sam met at a Social event.  They fell in love and after a matter of months had decided to marry. While sorting out the...