Lost Bet

"Female rookie cop loses bet and has to spend an hour in a notorious biker bar."

Kelle was fucked! Figuratively not literally. She had lost a bet. A huge bet. She had been out of the police academy for only six weeks and Kelle was desperate to fit in. Therefore, when a group of officers, all...

The Big Dick Bet that Backfired

"I accepted a biggest dick bet via Craigslist, and things got a little out of hand."

The moral of the story: Think twice before you enter a big dick competition. Last May I found myself in another predicament. Once again, it was my own fault, but what happened was both exciting and unnerving. One afternoon last...

A Betting Gal: Allie

"Allie's innocent bet with Shannon does not go quite as she hoped."

“The usual bet on tonight’s game?” Shannon asked as the Duke v. North Carolina basketball game tipped off. Shannon and I have been placing the same bet on this game since we moved in together three years ago. Nothing special...