Two Go Wild in Benidorm Once More

"A fem's introduction to scissoring"

Dappled shafts of afternoon sunshine light up the woodland glade where two women lie sleeping naked on a towel. Doreen - dark-haired and gamine - wakes first. She rises and quietly packs the remains of their picnic into a large...

Two Go Wild in Benidorm Again

"A fem's introduction to watersports"

On a bright sunny morning in a seafront apartment in Benidorm, two women are busily preparing a picnic for a day on the beach. Less than five weeks before, Doreen had arrived in Spain to visit her old friend Barbara,...

Two Go Wild in Benidorm

"A threesome with a Massai Warrior"

Doreen and Barbara, two English divorcees, are sharing a beach side apartment in the Spanish resort of Benidorm. Barbara is the owner and uses it as her base for discreet prostitution work, servicing the needs of frustrated middle-aged British ex-pats....

Holiday Surprise

"Holiday Romance, Affair, Whore,"

Benidorm  Finally, the holiday time had arrived. I was really looking forward to two weeks in the sun. Yeah, I had worked hard all year, I possibly had neglected my wife at times but I had worked long hours and...