Punished Princess

"(P is for Paula) Sam's house-sitting duties include keeping Paula in line"

Sam had had enough.  Two weeks ago, he agreed to house-sit for his best friend Jim while he went off to Europe for a month-long sabbatical. Jim had explained that he didn't want to leave his daughter Paula alone with the...

I hear his keys in the door and move into the bedroom, leaving the door open behind me. He sighs as he enters the apartment, closing the door behind him. I sit patiently on the bed, knowing that after he...

The Lush Exchange

"The erratic contrast of a lush conversation. ( I have been scolded,O.M.K.N.!! This one's for you.)"

“How have you been?”“Me? Yeah I'm good”I'm stroking my cock nowFuck, it's like wood“I need to get shopping,the cupboards are bare”My belt is unfastenedI'm pulling your hair“The cat has been sick,has to go to the vet”My fingers slide deeper Mmm...

The Phone

"Master Punishes Krystenah for her Forgetfulness"

My air conditioning went out in the middle of the night and I had awoken, sweating and disoriented. I had 3 more hours before the alarm was supposed to go off. I found a fan in my front closet and...