Julie’s Stud

"Julie trusts him, likes him a lot, but doesn’t love him, she trusts his cock inside her when they’re fucking."

Julie trusts him, likes him a lot, but doesn’t love him. He is always gentle, caring, and considerate with her. Above all else, she trusts his cock inside her when they’re fucking for the camera. After they finish fucking, she...

A Night Of Bliss With My Wife And Sister-In-Law

"A wonderful evening of nudism, a group shower, and some bedroom fun with my wife and sister-in-law."

My wife Melissa and I were staying at my sister-in-law’s house for a weekend during the covid lockdowns. My sister-in-law Emily was lonely and trying to rebound from a difficult relationship. We were there to bring some companionship and joy...

Leslie Pays Her Rent

"In the middle of August and Leslie is hot and bothered."

Leslie’s husband had been locked up for a year of his eight-year sentence when Leslie decided to move in with an old friend of hers, a guy nearly fifteen years her senior, Robbie. Within weeks she had developed a whole...

Red Sparkle

"Voluptuous Tess gets a nasty surprise during her seaside holiday fuck"

As if the lurid colour photo and dissected analysis of her on my MSN news feed are not enough. The impassioned WhatsApp messages of condolence: ‘so sorry for your loss.’ The down-turned smiley emoticons of grief that make her sound...