Sexual Diane Seduces Her Grandson.

"What happens to Josh after he checks out his grandmother's washing line."

"Look at me, Josh. Clearly, there is something wrong. You can't even look at me when you are talking to me," Diane said in a calm, caring voice.Josh was Diane's nineteen-year-old grandson who, as far as Diane is concerned, had...

Mrs Green And Carl Beaton

"A frumpy middle-aged white woman and a black teen youth get it on at work and elsewhere"

Mrs Mabel Green was aged fifty-nine and worked as a supervisor for a company that handled office and factory cleaning, as the job title suggests, one of her duties was to make sure that the various premises were cleaned properly.Mabel...

Connor Gets His Wish – Part 3

"The unlikely lovers, fifty-four-year-old female TV celebrity and nineteen-year-old village youth get together again"

Just over an hour after her Monday night television appearance, fifty-four-year-old Tina Lowe sent a text to her nineteen-year-old lover, Connor Harbey.'Did you see me point my bum at the camera just for you?' read Tina's text.'Yes and I so...