Falling From Your Love

"Written from one lover to another, about their passion."

Hey you, with shining azure eyes, and hair to rival Cytherea. I have lost myself in your embrace but wish never to be free again. I feel as though I have fallen for you from the high of your love-...

The Day My Heart Stopped

"The first time I saw you..."

A restaurant windowYour face studying,A face of beauty, of purity, of wonderA view of paradise and then...I willed your hand to open the doorIt moved, it openedYou stepped inside,Glimpses of your long legs asThe clip, clop of your heels helped...

love is a flower

"just a simple poem"

the sun filters downward through the treesĀ  rays of color dancing on leaves flickering greens and yellows before finally reaching outward it stands alone, apart from the rest stem bending, browning purple leaves curling inward darkening on the edges once...

The Queen of the Fall

"A mysterious lady walks through the forest"

Mysterious lady walks through the morning glade, a veil of icy dew, to her feet adheres Birds alight on her hands, she is their chorus maid, her presence, it wakes the buck and deer Nymphs and Elves shy away, in...

The Wonder of You

"Ode from an admirer"

Whispering softly, your words embrace me, like a gentle siren,luring me towards your inner beauty, your foundry. I wander through your work, discovering your gifts,And with each line, I wonder, amazed how your writing lifts. Whether erotic or teasing, you...

The Bridegroom’s sister

"When I was invited to the wedding, I hadn't remebered the groom's sister. Now I'll never forget her."

When guests had arrived at Matt and Linda's wedding they arrived up the long, sweeping gravel drive of a magnificent country mansion. Ancient oak trees lined the approach and as the road broadened to a gravel flat upon which horse-drawn...

Sweetly, Tenderly Love Me!

"A poem of longing."

Ā Sweetly, tenderly love me!Ā Throw thy strong arms around me,Ā Ā Hug me in thy warm embrace,Ā Ā Let me be your hidden key.Ā Softly, gently please love me!Ā Ā Press your lips against my own,Ā Ā Like spring seeds our love be sown,Ā Ā Bud and grow delicately.Ā Desperately do love me!Ā Ā Pull...