My St. Pauli Girl, Pt. 1

"I kindle a new flame with an former coworker in Washington's central Cascades."

I walked through the crowd of sexy beer wenches and lederhosen bros, sufficiently buzzed and enjoying the Leavenworth Oktoberfest for the first time during my short vacation in the central Washington Cascades.Looking at my Instagram stories, I knew that Chelsea,...

The True Beauty’s from Within

"The true beauty is only shown on the inside"

The true beauty of an English Rose Like a majestic stained-glass window,Through a kaleidoscope, of a million colours That sparkle and shine with the midday sunWith the nighttime, darkness sets inThe true beauty comes forth from within.Only there’s a flicker of candlelight,And...

What is Beauty?

"A time to treasure"

What is beauty?And where might it be found?Whilst attraction is found in form and lust prevails In a world oft driven by pain.I saw in her eyes the soft blue hue of beautyAnd it captivated my soul.For what I saw was truth...

Beauty is skin,Smooth and unblemished,Textures that hunger for touch,From fingertips of gold,Pores that breathe, sigh and moan,And creases that reflect,The essence of you.Beauty is shape,The sweep of the curves,From prominent shoulders,To the slimmest waist, and outward,By the flare of the...

Echoes upon the Wind

"A voice so beautiful it echoes upon the wind"

There was once upon a timeA beauty that was so divineWith a voice of an angel That travelled a thousand miles Upon the gentle summers breezeThat caught me by surprise A melody so beautiful upon my earsThat echoes upon the wind.A voice so...

A Young Man’s Fancy

"Young student has studies halted by seeing beautiful young lady in the park"

Spring came slowly that yearDawdling over the winter gnarled earthSnowdrops lingering tardily into late MarchColliding their white with the robustMulti-colors of vigorous crocusToo easily giving way to daffodil’s sharpnessApril dies, as daffodils fade, failing to courtMay’s new-fangled show.And this young...

Mirella’s Art

"Beauty and passion go hand in hand. Nowhere more so than in Mirella's art."

In vain I search for words enoughTo praise what I have seen;Your monuments of line and toneStanding grandly in betweenA past resonant with gloriesAnd a future yours to formFrom the tempest of your passions;Your art's life giving storm.As locks of...

Kiss from a rose

"I receive a kiss from a rose"

A kiss from a rose,On a beautiful sunset nightAs the sun casts down,It’s golden rays of light.Upon the cotton candy clouds,Turning them bright red; fire redAs they dip into the sea,Disappearing over the horizon.As the waves crashing,Upon the cliffs Breaking the...

When climbing up the mountains    Though I can reach the clouds         I cannot see more beauty.                Than when I look into your eyes      When walking on a beach I see the sand behind meAnd feel the rolling of the waves Your love...