I smiled,as I leaned on my elbowgazing at her while she slept.I smiled,as I watched her breast movingwith a serenity of sleep so fair.I smiled,as the first rays of the sunon her angelic face shone.I smiled,as her turn bared a...

Love Is

"Love is how you make my world beautiful"

Love is craving your lips,Your mouth, your voice, where beforeI was just silence and hunger.Love is our moments of anticipation,Like the last breath before the diveAnd the eventual ascent back into sunlight.Love is missing you even when you’re here,Knowing that...

 That night when first I saw your face,Your black-sheathed beauty held my eye;You sought the fire, the winds to chase,You revelled in the storm vexed sky. That night I heard the rolling thunder,I heard the storm Gods call my nameAs lightning...

The Girl

"She approached me and within a minute we were in love..."

I was outside, I don’t remember where. A young woman approached me and said she liked me. She had dark olive skin and beautiful eyes. Her head was covered but I knew she had long dark hair. She was quite...

 The universe is a mysterious place, and it seems, the more we learn about it, the more we realise how much our eyes are still veiled in ignorance. The fathomless expanses of space are a vast waste and our fragile...

Staring at the page on which I write, I see the contours of your face. As I trace my fingers over you as if I’m reading Braille, words appear on my page. Words that radiate my emotions, words that fuel...


"Flashes of memory."

Her fingers caressingthe keys of a piano. FlashHer fingers raking over his back. His lips gracingthe rim of his mug.  Flash His lips kissingthe column of her throat.  Her legs slippinginto narrow-legged jeans.  Flash Her legs grippingover the arrow of his hips.  His hands holdingthe edges of a newspaper.  Flash  His hands...

In Sleep

"Relaxed in Slumber."

Smooth skin, softly lit by moonlight.A tragedy would be to close the curtains,to block out that gentle blanket of rays.Face smooth of day's worries, eyes closed, that burning intensity cooled.  My body slips up against yours, my aim to be to hold, not...