Playing With The Pizza Boy

"She pulls a prank on the pizza boy. Two can play that game."

Christian“I swear, it’s always the last delivery of the night.” “Maybe she’s hot?”“Robyn, if you really think that is a remote possibility, then you do it!”“Sorry dude, I clocked out ten minutes ago. She’s all yours.”Five minutes before close, we received an...

Little League Milf

"Can Jason round all four bases with a hot baseball mom?"

“Strike two!” shouted the umpire as he watched the pitch fly into the catcher’s mitt, just inside of the strike zone.In the dugout, Jason nodded in approval as he glanced down to mark the count in his coach’s book. Fresh...

Batter Up

"Her bf proves to be a cheating strikeout, so she steps up to the plate with the whole batting order"

Carrie winced as the ball popped into a glove. The double play took the steam out of a ninth inning rally. With only one out left, she knew there wasn’t much hope of her boyfriend’s team pulling this one out.Sure...

The Boys of Summer

"Is there a headier mixture than a summer ballpark and two studs?"

Ah, summer and the joys of it: the rampant heat, the intense aroma of the night, the passion burning hotter than the air. When one mixes sex with baseball, it’s amazing how heady a mixture that is. The smell of...

On The Mound

"He was playing on his while she was playing with hers"

The end of summer brings a sweet sadness. The long, hot summer days take their place in our memories while the beginning of the end of the year approaches.For me, the change from bikinis to book bags is now in...