The Snooker Table

"Only suitable for those that are not sqeamish!"

Melissa's playful nature demanded he follow her, and it should have been no surprise to him that he'd be handcuffed to the corner pockets of the full-size snooker table.At the time, his were the only balls on the green baize.She...

My Cunt is Full of Thick Slop: Anyone for Tennis?

"My cunt is full of thick slop. He relishes the feel of my slop, my slathering creamy cunt. Anyone for tennis?"

I arrive on court wearing my pristine tennis shirt and skirt. He's slouched on the bench outside the saggy chain-link fence in some tattered denim shorts and a vest which accentuates his hairy chest. I slide back the rusty bar...

Hula sat upon the toilet seat, it had been a long night, and her ass was feeling a little sore. She looked down her slender, tanned body, to her sore, soft dick, dangling between her and the toilet seat. She...

My nose brushing over the thin fabric, his scent beckons me. Once free, they dance to my breath's soft touch, trying to hide, but my tongue tempts them to stay. They swell proudly, skin tightens, a promise of things to...

Theo’s LIfe as a Were-squirrel

"Theo is having a hard time returning to humani after enjoying the pleasures of being were-roden."

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of...

Thoughtful Boy

"Can she dodge his awkward philosophy heavy chat up technique and just get boned?"

"Do you believe in other universes?"Sure, she thought, sucking a cigarette in frustration. There's one where you didn't say that, and I fucked you."What if for something good to happen, something bad has to happen? If I'm happy, then someone else is...